
1. Site Preparation
- Remove weeds and debris.
- Establish a rough grade and eliminate low spots.
- Apply four to six yards of compost per 1,000 sq ft. (not top soil) to bare ground. Compost must be tilled 4-6 inches into the ground. This will create a good topsoil.
- Level and rake the installation site until it is smooth.
- Grade areas along sidewalks and driveways approximately 3/4 inches below top of concrete.
- Make sure sprinkler system is performing properly.
- Understand the operation of your sprinkler clock for proper watering of the new sod and established lawn.
- We can provide a rain gauge at no cost so that you can determine how much water you are applying.
2. Sod Installation
- Installing sod on dry ground is preferred.
- Arrange the rolls so there is a minimum amount of traffic on the prepared soil and the newly installed grass.
- Lay sod in a horizontal brick pattern.
- Once an area of approximately 20 feet by 25 feet has been laid, water immediately. The objective is to not let the sod dehydrate.
- Butt ends and sides of the sod strips making sure there is no overlapping.
- Fit the sod around obstacles or in smaller places by merely cutting the dirt side with a sharp knife or shovel.

3. Watering
- This is the most critical time to apply water.
- May require up to 1/2 inch of water per day for Week 1. Total amount to be applied over 2-3 periods each day.
- Probe the soil to determine if the moisture has penetrated at least 4 inches.
- For Week 2, water the about 1/4 of an inch of water every day, again within 2-3 different watering sessions.
- By Week 3, you want to star a normal watering routine. Watch your lawn. If you have areas that turn gray, give water immediatly by turning on your sprinkler system or by hose.